At My Best 456® is a Grade 4 to Grade 6 comprehensive toolkit that addresses physical activity, healthy eating, and the importance of emotional well-being. It was written to support the delivery of the Health and Physical Education curriculum. If you are a school/health unit that teaches Grades 4-6 and are committed to deliver the At My Best program you are welcome to receive this FREE toolkit.

Teachers or Principals or Health Units are able to order a specific grade level or an entire kit. Should your school wish to receive an entire At My Best kit that includes resources for Grades 4-6 (inclusive) there must be commitment from at least one teacher for each grade level from 4-6 to deliver the program.

If you have any questions in regards to the At My Best™ program or toolkit please email

Please note: A limited quantity of kits are available each year (1000 per grade). At My Best is only available in Canada.

Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
Kit Contents #Units/kit Kit Contents #Units/kit Kit Contents #Units/kit
Foam balls 15 Foam hockey pucks 15 Polyspot markers 8
Polyspot markers 6 Scarves 30 Rhino-skin balls 10
Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating 1 Bean bags 15 Skipping ropes 8
Rubber chicken 1 Polyspot markers 8 Blindfolds 15
        Pins or pylons 15
        Air pump 1